Parent Handbook
Parent/Student Handbook
The annual handbook is a summary of Board of Education policies governing District 15. The complete School District 15 Board of Education Policy Manual is available for public review at the District office and on the District 15 Board Meeting website (Diligent/Community). State and federal laws require school districts to notify parents and students about certain rights, responsibilities, and procedures; you will find that information in this handbook. This handbook may be amended during the year without notice to parents.
The handbook offers information pertinent to the District as a whole. Some programs and procedures may differ from school to school, based on the size and location of the building, the grades served, the facilities available, and the programs conducted at the school. Your school administrators will inform you of these additional procedures. The handbook is intended to be a handy resource, but is not meant to take the place of personal communication between home and school. Please feel free to call your child’s school if you have any questions on programs or procedures, or consult your school’s website.
Parent/Student Handbook (English) Parent/Student Handbook (Spanish)
Welcome to Kindergarten (Guide for Parents)
The Welcome to Kindergarten (Guide for Parents) answers general questions regarding kindergarten programs offered, enrollment requirements, how to register your child for school, important dates, and links to additional information to start your journey.
LEARN15 (District 15 Family Education) is a place where we list all learning opportunities for parents—many delivered in-person, live streamed, or available on demand. Parents have an opportunity to engage with school leaders, educational experts, and other parents.